Transaction Journal
of Engineering,
Applied Sciences &

:: International
Editorial Board:

Fees and Charges


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies.

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642

International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies (ITJEMAST) publishes quality research and review, scientific and technical articles. Like other journals, ITJEMAST's costs include journal information system, electronic composition and production, manuscript management system, electronic archiving, processing costs of publishing the accepted and rejected articles, as well as overhead expenses, and administrative costs.

Fees and Charges for publication
For each submitted standard article, processing fee and charge is US$330 for each publishing article at the International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies (ITJEMAST). Extra charges include Format fee, English fee, Reference fee, Service fee, and Bank fee.

Students paper (student is first author): for each student / research scholar paper processing fee and charge is US$269 Extra charges include Format fee, English fee, Reference fee, Service fee, and Bank fee.

Authors/Student Authors having high quality works may still write a request (at the time of submission) that the editorial office waive some of the fee/charge under special circumstances.

Fees and Charges for Special Issue
For each article to be published in special issue, processing fee and charge is US$330 (Up to 5000 words).

**Resubmission fee
If your paper is not accepted and you re-send for acceptance There are additional fees to charge for our work to check again and again.
1. First time - no cost
2. Second time - no cost
3. Third time - 600USD
4. Fourth time and after 1000USD each.

All rates are subject to change without prior notice, until payment is made.
Both ITJEMAST and Group are operated under a not-for-profit scheme.

:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 2010-2021 All Rights Reserved.

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